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Teeth (2007)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:19 pm
by ASN
Teeth (2007)Image
Samples (click to enlarge)
DetailsTeeth (2007)
GENREAction, Comedy, Fantasy
DirectorMitchell Lichtenstein
WriterMitchell Lichtenstein
ActorsJess Weixler , John Hensley , Josh Pais , Hale Appleman , Lenny von Dohlen , Vivienne Benesch , Ashley Springer , Laila Liliana Garro , Nicole Swahn , Adam Wagner , Hunter Ulvog , Ava Ryen Plumb , Trent Moore , Mike Yager , Nathan Parsons
PLOTStill a stranger to her own body, a high school student discovers she has a physical advantage when she becomes the object of male violence.
More DetailsMPAA Rating : R
Country of Origin: USA
Language: English
More Info : IMDb Link
Subtitles : YIFYsubtitles , OpenSubtitles

Dawn grows up in the shadow of a nuclear power plant. In high school, while her biology class studies evolution, she realizes she may have a hidden curse, an "adaptation." She lives with her mom, step-father, and hard-edged step-brother. She likes Tobey, a guy at school, and he likes her. She takes a pledge to remain chaste until marriage, so they date in groups, watch G-rated films, and don't kiss, but the power of teen hormones is great, so temptation beckons. Dawn has an admirer in Ryan, and when when things have an unexpected twist with Tobey, she turns to Ryan for help. Will he be her mythical hero and rescue her? Or can she find her way as her own hero, turning the curse into an asset?

[IMDb Code] : tt0780622 0780622

[Genres] : GenreAction, GenreComedy, GenreFantasy

[Also Known As] : Teeth, Teeth, Vagina Dentada, Teeth, Teeth, Zubi, Teeth, Teeth - Wer zuletzt beißt, beißt am besten, Dagose me, Dontia, Δάγκωσέ με, Mély harapás, Teeth, Denti, Teeth, Zęby, Dentes, Dinti, Зубы, Zubi, Vaginalni zobje, Vagina dentata, Diş, Teeth, Teeth

[Rating Groups] ratedabove5 ratedabove4 ratedabove3

[Popularity Groups] Top5000Popular