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Binance USD Gift-card

Amazon Gift-card


1. Click this link

2. Buy premium

3. Send us this message

1. Click this link

2. Buy premium

3. Send us this message

1. Buy a gift card code

Buy from #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

2. Send us this message

1. Buy a gift card code

online or from any store

2. Send us this message


Donate using Amazon Gift Cards

  1.  Go to " send a Gift Card by email" page.
  2.  Set the amount of your order.
  3.  Set the "Recipient E-mail" field to yours 
  4.  Click the "Proceed to checkout" button to pay. You might have to login to at this stage.
  5.  Copy the voucher code that you recieved at your email & send it to us via a private message.
  6.  Only $USD gift codes can be accepted.
  7.  Alternatively, you could purchase a physical amazon gift card from any store and sen us the code.